Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lights, camera, action..::1


So this is Billy’s box office. Its pretty much my opinion on the best and worst movies of our generation and the generations before us. So I hope you enjoy the movies I recommend. Please let me know what you think.

Being that Christmas is only a few days away this is Billy’s box office CHRISTMAS special. So keeping in the spirit of Christmas I will be naming some of my favorite Christmas movies.
  1. A white Christmas

  2. The grinch that stole Christmas (new and old)

  3. Diehard 1 and 2

  4. National lampoons Christmas vacation

  5. Charley brown Christmas

  6. Elf

  7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

  8. Home alone 1 and 2

  9. The gremlins

  10. A Christmas story
Now those are not in any special order but I would have to say that A Christmas story is my favorite. So its your turn what are your favorites.


Paul Garrard said...

The word is camEra!

-Billy said...

thanks fixing it now

Anonymous said...

most of these are legit, but i always hated white christmas, though i love the song. elf is the best, the original grinch is awesome.