So what’s the deal? I get it I have a beard I have a beanie im not a Rabbi, im not Jewish, im not Gordan the fisherman, like for the millionth time some asked me today if I was. I know by growing this I would get questions but for real people it’s a bread chill. I want to know what you think should I shave or not.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No good deed goes unpunished
So I am at my friends Jordan’s house, its super late about 3:10a.m. Heather and I are watching this musical Wicked. A prequel to the movie the wizard of OZ, it tells the untold story of the witches. I don’t care if its wired or gay when Heather told me the story of the movie all I could see was a little girl so excited to tell the story. I really like it. It was well thought out and put together really good, kind of funny to. But I think the best part of it all is Heather loves this play and if I look at the right times she mouths the words to the songs like she is now, its supper cute. I recommend if you can watch it.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
trust me im a doctor
So I was at a friend’s house the other night and Heather and I start talking about old toys. She brought up Betty spaghetti so being the manly man that I am I brought out the big guns Stretch Armstrong, yea that’s right Billy don’t joke. That thing was awesome I swore you could pull it for ever and he was like what eve. What was even cooler was he was rubber but his head was a huge hunk of plastic witch hurt when we hit each other with it, we didn’t have a lot to do back then. But everyone knew what happened to good old stretch after the first like 3 weeks. You where like how dose he do that. So naturally I became the youngest surgeon ever. Sitting around him with my friends I wiped the sweat from my forehead, sticking my hand out, I stuttered the word knife and begin. Some slim started pouring out. So like any good doc we are all like wow that’s awesome then it hits us where losing him quick push it back in I need a bandage stat as we are working on him im think I can lose this one, not on my watch. Mom would kill me. Then Brandon walked up with a yoyo that lit up and had a brain, so you could sleep it for hours. So I ran in side and ask my home if I could get one and she said nope. So I said if you spend the $20 I could get really good and do it for a living, she said no. Know I don’t have a yoyo or a stretch. Did you ever have something similar a stretch, a big wheel, Betty spaghetti, a Polly pocket anything of the sorts if so let me know.
p.s. this was all a little exaggerated for you the reader which is probably only Heather and one or two others.
p.s. this was all a little exaggerated for you the reader which is probably only Heather and one or two others.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
baby chickens are so good to eat deep fryed
Wow last night was crazy. So I went to Mo’s again with some friends (Mo, Jessica, Heather, Gerald, and I). It was off the hizzan. It was so funny are generation is crazy there was five of us and we where all texting each other, while we ate a chicken platter from chick fila and watch prob five different movies, but we really only watched like 10 minutes of each one so we finally picked one Sister Hood of the Traveling Pants. About 15 minutes into it was hardcore scratched and was skipping like mad crazy so we decided to leave because my very good friend that I promised I would talk about in this blog Jessica. Had to go to work at like 7:30 a.m. so did Heather so we left at like 12:30. Before we left I got to talk to Nathan, Mo’s main squeeze. Don’t worry he seems cool. I got him to laugh last night but I don’t remember what I said I know that Mo thought it was bad enough to hit me two times in the arm, she is stronger than she looks. It’s all that guitar playing. Anyways it was a good day, and or night again.
Monday, September 22, 2008
the man i want to be
I don't want my long hair, pretty green eyes, with ( no! I do not have on mascara. ) eyelashes, skinny figure, undersized t-shirt, hip shake too much when I walk confuse anybody. I am a manly man. Within this sissy frame, obviously rib laden chest lies a heart that beats to the drum of a native American ritual dancing wildness. It pumps an ever cascading supply of untamedness that a herd of wild mustangs have yet to grasp. If danger lurks about, I will seek it out. If adventure abounds, there I will be found. If a damsel be in distress, I will show her who is best. I am a manly man. Because I don't flush, and I leave the lid up. I drive a 1988 Ford Pick-up truck. Girls don't break up with me, I break up with them first. ( Except the last time, it didn't really work out like that... ) I don't shave the hair on my face ( Because I still can't grow facial hair yet... ) But when I can, I won't, because beards are tough. I fart, burp, and spit when I want, not caring who's nearby. Disrespect my momma, and I will punch you in the eye. I am a manly man. Or am I? I tell my guy friends that I love ‘em. And sometimes, sometimes I even hug ‘em. Not because I'm gay, but because I love ‘em. And when I watched Bambi, I cried. And when my Mema gets mad, I still run and hide. Like David, I wanna be a man after God's own heart. And I'm not there yet, but I'm past the start. And when people talk, I try to listen. A spirit of compassion, that's my vision. Surely I am a manly man. I want to be loved and have love and give love. And not just that romantic kind either. Although I am looking for that beauty. Not helpless, but wants to be rescued. The damsel in distress, man, woman, myth, true. I will fight for her, climb the highest tower for her, love her, share with her, delight in her, be her warrior, her protector. She will be my crown and I will be hers. My masculinity will be passed down and affirmed to my sons. And each of my daughters will know they are lovely, and deserving of authentic romance. Society tells me all day long that I've defined manhood completely wrong. But you ask any honest man, and he will agree. You ask any honest woman, and she too will see, that I am a manly man.
Dick Tracy movie night are you kidding
So I was going to go to my old church last night for a night of worship they where doing. Those things are always awesome, if you can check one out. But after praying if God wants me in fusion or there some stuff came up and I didn’t get to go witch sucked, but worked out because I met a guy there last week that doesn’t know anyone in town. He just moved here so I told him he could sit by me it was cool. I got a text saying Dick Tracy movie night and being the Dick Tracy fan that I am I was like HECK YA. So me and a few others went to Mo’s I call her that when im typing because I don’t know how to spell her name. so we went to her house and watched the movie and ate pizza and Mo gave her sis a hair cut witch looks awesome. You know young adult stuff or teen stuff what eve get off me. So anyways I got to hang out with some people that I care a lot about. For all you The Office fans it was a good day, or night.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
in all you do, do in worship
So i was at cornerstone Illinois this summer on tour for like 2 and a half weeks with a band and i caught part of a band called life in your way. Ok so i know not everyone digs this music but i try to keep myself open to anything with a beat, check out my i-pizal its crazy with genres. So this pic is from one of there songs (salty grave) a great song, it talks about this guy who is lost then finds Christ and says he will sing praises to God till his salty grave. The pic is the part of the song that was a hymn at one point. i have never been apart of something like this. An entire tent of people hardcore dancing then stop what there doing to praise God it was awesome. That same week i was at a David Crowder show and there where guys praising God by hardcore dancing. At first i thought they where joking but then seeing them do what they where doing really just showed me we all love differently and all worship differently, but its all to the same God and He loves it all. So step out of your box listen to a different kind of music this week praise God in a different way talk to that hardcore kid that scares you hes nice im sure. but remember my favorite phrase in all you do, do it in worship.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
i love you katy
Wow so this is how my day went yesterday.
1. I got up at 8:00am and did my morning thing (shower, bible, ext.)
2. my home boy picked me up and we where at the church by 9
3. moved all the tables, chares, couches ext. into the worship room
4. at like 11 got on facebook for like 5 sec.
5. found out my friend is sick and was worried
6. started setting things up for the night and did that till 5pm
7. then started getting the bands ready till 7pm
8. then the night started and ended at 11
9. the workers got out at like 12 and a few of us around 12:30
10. then went to a friends house (Monique)she supper awesome
11. everyone except Monique and I fell asleep
12. so I read my bible and did some hard core journaling
13. chilled there till like 2:30
14. got home and went to bed at like 4:30
that was my day it was awesome
and for you guys that are like he didnt even put wht he ate how do i know that was his day, i ate a cup of apple sauce at like 2 and a peace of pizza at like 7 that was it
1. I got up at 8:00am and did my morning thing (shower, bible, ext.)
2. my home boy picked me up and we where at the church by 9
3. moved all the tables, chares, couches ext. into the worship room
4. at like 11 got on facebook for like 5 sec.
5. found out my friend is sick and was worried
6. started setting things up for the night and did that till 5pm
7. then started getting the bands ready till 7pm
8. then the night started and ended at 11
9. the workers got out at like 12 and a few of us around 12:30
10. then went to a friends house (Monique)she supper awesome
11. everyone except Monique and I fell asleep
12. so I read my bible and did some hard core journaling
13. chilled there till like 2:30
14. got home and went to bed at like 4:30
that was my day it was awesome
and for you guys that are like he didnt even put wht he ate how do i know that was his day, i ate a cup of apple sauce at like 2 and a peace of pizza at like 7 that was it
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
where did we go wrong?
So me and a good friend of mine (Heather Watt)where talken about one of the best movies ever Juno.
So in that movie there is a lot of crazy phrases, but the one that takes the cake would have to be Honest to blog. What is wrong with my generation, we have made everything so technology based that we talk in it know. Exp. Idk my bff Jill. Don’t get me wrong I love too text but what happened to writing a letter I don’t know if I could send one if I wanted to. Like I was with some youth kids at the goodwill the other day and I found an 8track and a record player, I know im not old but the kid was like I didn’t know they where even real things I was blown away. What do you think?
So in that movie there is a lot of crazy phrases, but the one that takes the cake would have to be Honest to blog. What is wrong with my generation, we have made everything so technology based that we talk in it know. Exp. Idk my bff Jill. Don’t get me wrong I love too text but what happened to writing a letter I don’t know if I could send one if I wanted to. Like I was with some youth kids at the goodwill the other day and I found an 8track and a record player, I know im not old but the kid was like I didn’t know they where even real things I was blown away. What do you think?
A regular Michelangelo, dont you think?
So tell me what you think. I painted this last night. I really like it. I know its not much, but I don’t have to explain my art to you j/k. I just think God is really bringing my artistic side back to the surface like I really want to start doing a lot of photography. So let me know what you think of my first piece.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Where did all the LOVE go?
So I went to this battle of the bands thing last night and it was ok at first then slowly got better and then it got real good because the band I was in came up, I played the harmonica by the way it was off the hook. Anyways so we are there and are set just ends so we go in the back to pray. Then Shane starts to pray for one of are friends that has cancer she’s 19, anyways we prayed over her and over this event we are going to have for her to raise money for her family, ssssshhhhhh it’s a secret. So we finish and go back out front then after another band the church that put on battle of the bands gave us all the money made that night for are friend. They have never met her or any of us. I dropped my jaw I had no idea what to say it was awesome that a group of people we have never met can do something so huge. So I had to ask why did you do it and the youth pastor said because you guys are family it’s not about a church it’s about showing the love of Christ. Where in are lives did we forget that it’s not about your church or mine. We need to stop fighting over people and politics. We need to go out and show love.
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