So I was at a friend’s house the other night and Heather and I start talking about old toys. She brought up Betty spaghetti so being the manly man that I am I brought out the big guns Stretch Armstrong, yea that’s right Billy don’t joke. That thing was awesome I swore you could pull it for ever and he was like what eve. What was even cooler was he was rubber but his head was a huge hunk of plastic witch hurt when we hit each other with it, we didn’t have a lot to do back then. But everyone knew what happened to good old stretch after the first like 3 weeks. You where like how dose he do that. So naturally I became the youngest surgeon ever. Sitting around him with my friends I wiped the sweat from my forehead, sticking my hand out, I stuttered the word knife and begin. Some slim started pouring out. So like any good doc we are all like wow that’s awesome then it hits us where losing him quick push it back in I need a bandage stat as we are working on him im think I can lose this one, not on my watch. Mom would kill me. Then Brandon walked up with a yoyo that lit up and had a brain, so you could sleep it for hours. So I ran in side and ask my home if I could get one and she said nope. So I said if you spend the $20 I could get really good and do it for a living, she said no. Know I don’t have a yoyo or a stretch. Did you ever have something similar a stretch, a big wheel, Betty spaghetti, a Polly pocket anything of the sorts if so let me know.
p.s. this was all a little exaggerated for you the reader which is probably only Heather and one or two others.
p.s. this was all a little exaggerated for you the reader which is probably only Heather and one or two others.
nope, just heather. ha
BILLY!!! You have a blog!! Now I can keep up with your randomness ;) I must say I have never heard of "Stretch" I must have been in college when he came out
I totally owned a Stretch Armstrong back in the day. My neighbor stole it a week later.
I read your blog, Billy! :-)
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