Monday, December 29, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

we have come so far... so far


Ok so this is a blog that I will be doing at randomly paying respects to bands, music, music videos, albums, and so on and so forth. I will be trying to cover all types of music from classic rock, rap, hardcore, worship, folk and anything in between. So I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments.
Award number one go’s to drum roll please I can hardly wait and the first winner is ….UnderOath yay congratulations. I wasn’t going to give them one so soon in the game but when I was sitting here thinking who should get the first one and I realized that they have really come a long way from when they where playing free shows here in my hole town of Melbourne Fla. So the first award will be called we have come so far… so far.

Ok these videos start a few cd’s ago then go to the second video and that is what most consider there out brake album. Then the thread video is off there news album. And as a special gift the last video is a live show. I have seen a lot of there shows and I think the video dose not do them justice especially vocally, there closer to there album sound.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lights, camera, action..::1


So this is Billy’s box office. Its pretty much my opinion on the best and worst movies of our generation and the generations before us. So I hope you enjoy the movies I recommend. Please let me know what you think.

Being that Christmas is only a few days away this is Billy’s box office CHRISTMAS special. So keeping in the spirit of Christmas I will be naming some of my favorite Christmas movies.
  1. A white Christmas

  2. The grinch that stole Christmas (new and old)

  3. Diehard 1 and 2

  4. National lampoons Christmas vacation

  5. Charley brown Christmas

  6. Elf

  7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

  8. Home alone 1 and 2

  9. The gremlins

  10. A Christmas story
Now those are not in any special order but I would have to say that A Christmas story is my favorite. So its your turn what are your favorites.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


So this has not happened in about 30 years, that’s right the show doesn’t even know. they think it was 1972 or 73 maybe there not sure. That awesome but I don’t think Mr. Carry cares at all.

Ooo Mr. Bean

Sunday, November 30, 2008

my momma always told me you could tell a lot about a person from there shoes

So I don’t feel well and cant sleep this is my fourth blog of the night I think. But I got new shoes there so sick I try not to wear white because I trash what ever it is but I’m a pimp so I got them anyways I don’t know when they get so dirty I cant deal I will pant them. I’m really stoked because I haven’t had a new pare of shoes in forever. Well its mad late and I have to go to church in the morning so im going to try to sleep.

old time

To day we went to grandma’s house it was fun . We prettied up the tree hung out as a family witch was nice.

make your last stand

Friday was nice the day after thanksgiving . So I was going to go black Friday shopping but i didn’t get up till 8. Witch is probably good being someone died at wal-mart in New York. So I went to the black regiment show it was awesome. They always leave me satisfied. The pic is of Aaron the lead singer and that fish eye pick was taken on my phone i just put the fish eye to my phone and it worked. But it was fun.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

ya i saw it get off me

So Wednesday I went to see twilight with Dixie an old close friend that is down from college. See reads all the books and use to tell me about them so when this movie came out I knew we would be seeing it. And im not going to lie it wasn’t the worst movie in the world. The fight was kind of cool they rip a vampire to pieces and light him on fire. From what I heir part two will bring ware wolfs witch is AWESOME I love stuff like that vamps, wolfs, monsters.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

holy cow.... i cant wait for the cd

the Almost new ep WHAT...

check it out heres the like that has two full songs then there more on itunes
the Almost

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

playing with fire

So my sis came home today from college. I missed her a lot so we hung out till I had to work. so we went to Bethany so she could say hi to some old friends. so I get to Bethany and out of nowhere Gary and Warren start lighting paper on fire to age it and I found out that Gary has some phobias. Here are his exact words "I don’t like anything that can kill me that’s why I don’t have any mean pets" he also hates fire you should have seen his face when the paper started burning top fast. Then I went to work at ccm and I find out that today I had to wear a turkey outfit because of thanksgiving/ the turkey bowl. Of course, that and I don’t think they had ever seen a turkey that big before. So it was a good day, I guess. Hope you like the pics.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It’s been so long blogger world. I miss you guys so much. I have had a ton to blog on. But have not had the time. So today I went to Ross, it was awesome I haven’t been there in forever. Then I went to best buy and played with GH super fun then played with the macs. I love those things. I took some pics as you can see. I think I look like a lumberjack in the brown one.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

thats not it.

so i searched my name on google images and this is what came up.

its your turn to try lets see what comes up for you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

o-town (i had to change some of this, if you already ready this sorry but you should read it agene. this is the longest title i have ever had)

so i have been in orlando all day with some great friends (Amy, Mike, Jason, and Kyle) it was awesome we went to check out a school named full sail its the hows how of tech schools. so we did the tour and it was off the hizzan. i was blown away with how great it was its like every tech kids dream. i dont know how im not there yet (i love jason heinly) yes i do. jason put that there when i walked away. but anyways yea i remember why im not there right now because after room school my mac pro they give me and having money to eat it will be like 80,000... ill give you a moment to take that in. yes you did read that right thats for 2 years of school but i will leave with a bachelors in the subject i take and in writing they out that they will bring us in and help us find job my hole life and anytime theres an update on are field we get to go back for free and learn the new thing. so that is what im praying about right know is this where God wants me. i would love to stay working at ccm and maybe i can do both but i would have to see if its worth it, i love my job but i know God wants me to further my gifts so we will see.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

rock the vote


So yesterday was my first time voting. I am 21 but I missed the last one by like a month. It was really cool especially being such a world changing election. So I walked up to the box and stood there for a sec. thinking wow I’m all grown up, it was awesome. So I did it I filled out the little bubbles and I was so proud of myself. I know that’s gay but come on this was a big voting year and my vote counts, not really because my guy lost but still.

So do you remember your first time voting?

Who was running?

How old where you what?

Did you feel like?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

16 Random Things about me

I was tagged by warren to do this. So here it is.

1. I love being artistic (drawling, panting, poetry, ext.)
2. I'm trying to grow my bread for a year to enter a bread growing contest in Canada.
3. I drive a purple mustang that i love, but i don't have a license right now.
4. I was born in Miami
5. I have lived in two states my hole life Florida and Missouri.
6. I love editing videos and doing production and sound stuff, thanks Gary.
7. I have a tough guy exterior but I'm as soft as a teddy bear.
8. I have broken my nose about 10 times. i have seen a doctor about 5 of those times.
9. I get pretty choked up in almost any chick flick.
10. I am a huge fan of acoustic and folk music.
11. I a little ocd i am a lot adhd and add.
12. I really cant read or wright.
13. I work at Calvary chapel Melbourne, its huge
14. I don't like cookies.
15. I had the biggest anger problem growing up, but Gods working on that.
16. My favorite flower is the Casablanca Lilly, and i use to be a florist.

So there it is...I guess I will continue this on. So here you go Garald and Heather give it a shot.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This is the first time im doing Word Wednesday my vary good friend Gary Durbin started it so here it is. Word Wednesday is posted every Wednesday. Each week I post a scripture that I've read that week that has spoken to me in a fresh way. I believe that if we read God's Word every day, He will give us at least one scripture every week that will impact us. Sharing Scripture with each other is like iron sharpening iron.

To participate, do your own post on your blog about your Word for the week, and link it to the bottom of my post every week by using the application provided below. Always leave me a comment, so I know you dropped by, and link back to my post from yours. Thanks for participating.

Here's the scripture that stuck this week:

James 3:3-6

3 We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth. 4 And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. 5 In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches.
But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. 6 And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.

So this blow my mind. I have read it before but it just really hit home for me this week. That’s crazy to me how powerful such a little thing is, but you know what’s cooler than that is the fact that with God we can control it. Witch makes me thing just how powerful he is

Friday, October 24, 2008

almost my first home

So I know I have blogged a lot in the last few hours but I have some stuff I wanted to get out there that I have been meaning to say the last few days and I am worried that if I don’t do it now I will not have a second chance this week. So this is my new office its not decorated yet but I’m working on it. But I’m pretty happy about it, God has really provided on this. So here some pics into my world, by that I mean I spend about 6 hours a day at least in there.

no girls aloud hahaha

hanging with the boys, I’m a pirate

Doppelgangers dont exist... or do they?

so I have heard this about 3 or 4 time now people keep telling me that they think this guy is me. Don’t get me wrong he’s not bad looking I like his voice and I would love to be in this kind of band, but come on. So I asked all those people what it is that is casing this and they all had this to say. Well you both have black hair and gages and beards and you booth like this still music and you booth do the same dance so hers his pic and a video. Yes I have bloged about this video before but that’s when this all started. Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 13, 2008

what ever it takes

So wow… sitting here I was sending that video to a youth pastor friend and God hit me like a truck. Listing to the video (from the post before this one) for a second time tonight it really broke me. Sitting here praying as I was typing my friend I started to cry thinking of my generation and the one following us. The thing they are going to go through and the part that is making me really cry is the fact that most of them will never know Jesus and that they have to do it all on there own. It just kills me that I am letting this happen to the generation coming. What is wrong we all have been in that dark place of fear and loneliness and still we sit back and watch them slowly kill them self’s. So after hearing this story and praying hard because if there’s one thing I have learned watch what you pray for because God dose not play around. I want to do everything in Gods power to give the youth what there missing and the ones that have it, to stir it up agene. So in this moment of humility, knowing that I am not fulfilling what God has broken my heart for in the past, being youth. I also pray that if it where to shake the youth of this nation heck if it would shack the youth of this county I would give my life.

olny a few things move me... God and and trucks

So this is one of the songs we did last night at fusion. This is probably one of the most inspired songs I have ever heard. The story is so powerful and the song is so moving watch the video tell me what you think. Maybe it’s just me I don’t know but when I saw this I almost cried.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

cant wait

So I haven’t blogged vary well lately. I don’t know maybe I was drained maybe I have to much on my mind. I am going to try and make this one a good one. I have been really busy lately but that day I had the wedding I got to hang with some friends. Witch was really nice just to chill and watch a movie. We watched no counter for old men, great movie. And yesterday I was stuck at home all day and the air is broke at my house so it was horrible. This morning I went to church. The worship was really good. It really got my heart ready for tonight. Its fusion tonight here is the link for the live feed. check it out if you can. I will probably blog about the serves tonight or tomorrow I just feel God is really going to move tonight. The worship tonight alone is going to be amazing. So I hope to see you here. Pease

Friday, October 10, 2008

catch you later

So it’s been a long but fun day. I got up and went to the church to help matt h move to his new nice house. And now im at the church for a little till I have to go to a wedding and get the pa ready for a band. So I have to go but I will try to blog latter. This is a pretty week blog and I haven’t blogged in a few days.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

hXc 4 life

So Im at the ph aka the power house with a friend Naomi, Matt Os little one. Im trying to culture her in the likes of the hXc aka hardcore music/ dancing. I love talking about this stuff. Don’t get me wrong I love all music you name it I prob have something in that genre on my ipizzle. I don’t think she was very interested in what I was saying she was kind of like why do they dance like that how do they sing like that. Well it was fun for me. Take a look I have a video a few down or check this out its deff my fav band. by the way they're a christian band listen to the words and you will understand.

Monday, October 6, 2008

ccm here i come

So I got the job. Yippy!!! I work at Calvary Chapel Melbourne (ccm) now im super stoked about it. I will be getting to do what I love and what God has gifted me with.
p.s. keep it on the DL for now i dont know when its getting anouced, and since only like 2 or 3 people read this i think we will be ok

video killed the radio star

So I finally got blogger to let me put videos up. I don’t know why it wasn’t working but I have been trying too find a really good one to start with. I didn’t know if I wanted to go funny, serious or one of my own. I decide to go with a great cover song that also has a music video so here we go. Hope you enjoy.

p.s. theres a part with a guy in a tan dress hes not naked

Saturday, October 4, 2008

blonds really do have more fun

So im at Mo’s agen but shes not here this time I broke in jk she’s out of town. I am her with Jessica and Heather and some of the guys. We are watching the sword in the stone a classic I would say. Merlin the wizard’s bread is off the chain. But anyways its nice just to be hanging out with agene it seems like its been forever. So one of the girls is a hairdresser and has a strange obsession with bleaching and dying hair. I figured with in the spirit of me dying some shirts. I would let her dye my jedi lock a different color. For those who don’t know a jedi lock is, its like a rat-tail but off to one side. it was blond for about 2 min. know im going to like a red. I am actually bogging as she’s doing it and Heather did her hair as well it’s really dark it looks good. 

p.s. yes that is a dirty south tat with a  48 special and the that shiny thing is to help dye it 

someone is getting a karate chop sandwich

So I went out to the movies last night with some good friends and saw the movie Fireproof. It is a movie made by the same people that made facing the giants. This is where I become a critic. I liked the movie some of it was a little cheese, but they are definitely getting better at what they do. Don’t get me wrong facing the giants was great, it even made me tear up at the part where the kids are all praying at the school it just really got to me. Because I really pray hard for change in our schools and in our youth. Anyways flywheel is there lesser non movie also a good one, I heir it was a true story if you know let me know. I definitely recommend it Agene lets get back on track here. All in all it is a good movie I am really thinking about making that a real book if they don’t do it. One of the things I liked about it was they brought up the problem with pornography in our lives. I think too many churches and Christians just turn our heads and act like it’s not real. Don’t get me wrong we have come a long way from where we were. Maybe this movie will help some churches see what’s happening, even in there own staff. Back to the movie I say if you have the time especially if you’re in a relationship or married give it a shot. What can it hurt? For you guys that are like what is with the title you haven’t seen the movie yet.

i dye a little more evey day

So the other day went and got some dye and some white v necks. And yes I spent the morning dying my shirts it went great, but now my hands are stand black. It was fun and they came out cool so I am happy.

p.s. im wearing one in the pic

Friday, October 3, 2008

lights, camera, action

So we filmed are first youth video tonight. It went really well. I am really proud of the crow God has given me dang I have to go so I will finish this tomorrow.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

dogs can grow beards all over

Tell me this guy isn’t a man. I don’t know him I found this pic on mustache Mays web site. Yes you read that right that’s a web site you see every May guys all over the country grow out there manstashes and put daily pics to show how there doing and I found this guy. He was on the wall of shame because he had a beard as well. So I push you to become apart of my world and join I will be in it next year.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

free is for me

So I got up and didn’t know how the day was going to turn out, but just then I got a text from Warren East an awesome youth pastor. Saying free chicken sandwiches from chick fill a. Witch is awesome. So I get there with my buddy and it was true and we get a free drink to. Yippy

Saturday, September 27, 2008

to shave or not to shave that is the question

So what’s the deal? I get it I have a beard I have a beanie im not a Rabbi, im not Jewish, im not Gordan the fisherman, like for the millionth time some asked me today if I was. I know by growing this I would get questions but for real people it’s a bread chill. I want to know what you think should I shave or not.

No good deed goes unpunished

So I am at my friends Jordan’s house, its super late about 3:10a.m. Heather and I are watching this musical Wicked. A prequel to the movie the wizard of OZ, it tells the untold story of the witches. I don’t care if its wired or gay when Heather told me the story of the movie all I could see was a little girl so excited to tell the story. I really like it. It was well thought out and put together really good, kind of funny to. But I think the best part of it all is Heather loves this play and if I look at the right times she mouths the words to the songs like she is now, its supper cute. I recommend if you can watch it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

trust me im a doctor

So I was at a friend’s house the other night and Heather and I start talking about old toys. She brought up Betty spaghetti so being the manly man that I am I brought out the big guns Stretch Armstrong, yea that’s right Billy don’t joke. That thing was awesome I swore you could pull it for ever and he was like what eve. What was even cooler was he was rubber but his head was a huge hunk of plastic witch hurt when we hit each other with it, we didn’t have a lot to do back then. But everyone knew what happened to good old stretch after the first like 3 weeks. You where like how dose he do that. So naturally I became the youngest surgeon ever. Sitting around him with my friends I wiped the sweat from my forehead, sticking my hand out, I stuttered the word knife and begin. Some slim started pouring out. So like any good doc we are all like wow that’s awesome then it hits us where losing him quick push it back in I need a bandage stat as we are working on him im think I can lose this one, not on my watch. Mom would kill me. Then Brandon walked up with a yoyo that lit up and had a brain, so you could sleep it for hours. So I ran in side and ask my home if I could get one and she said nope. So I said if you spend the $20 I could get really good and do it for a living, she said no. Know I don’t have a yoyo or a stretch. Did you ever have something similar a stretch, a big wheel, Betty spaghetti, a Polly pocket anything of the sorts if so let me know.

p.s. this was all a little exaggerated for you the reader which is probably only Heather and one or two others.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

baby chickens are so good to eat deep fryed

Wow last night was crazy. So I went to Mo’s again with some friends (Mo, Jessica, Heather, Gerald, and I). It was off the hizzan. It was so funny are generation is crazy there was five of us and we where all texting each other, while we ate a chicken platter from chick fila and watch prob five different movies, but we really only watched like 10 minutes of each one so we finally picked one Sister Hood of the Traveling Pants. About 15 minutes into it was hardcore scratched and was skipping like mad crazy so we decided to leave because my very good friend that I promised I would talk about in this blog Jessica. Had to go to work at like 7:30 a.m. so did Heather so we left at like 12:30. Before we left I got to talk to Nathan, Mo’s main squeeze. Don’t worry he seems cool. I got him to laugh last night but I don’t remember what I said I know that Mo thought it was bad enough to hit me two times in the arm, she is stronger than she looks. It’s all that guitar playing. Anyways it was a good day, and or night again.

Monday, September 22, 2008

the man i want to be

I don't want my long hair, pretty green eyes, with ( no! I do not have on mascara. ) eyelashes, skinny figure, undersized t-shirt, hip shake too much when I walk confuse anybody. I am a manly man. Within this sissy frame, obviously rib laden chest lies a heart that beats to the drum of a native American ritual dancing wildness. It pumps an ever cascading supply of untamedness that a herd of wild mustangs have yet to grasp. If danger lurks about, I will seek it out. If adventure abounds, there I will be found. If a damsel be in distress, I will show her who is best. I am a manly man. Because I don't flush, and I leave the lid up. I drive a 1988 Ford Pick-up truck. Girls don't break up with me, I break up with them first. ( Except the last time, it didn't really work out like that... ) I don't shave the hair on my face ( Because I still can't grow facial hair yet... ) But when I can, I won't, because beards are tough. I fart, burp, and spit when I want, not caring who's nearby. Disrespect my momma, and I will punch you in the eye. I am a manly man. Or am I? I tell my guy friends that I love ‘em. And sometimes, sometimes I even hug ‘em. Not because I'm gay, but because I love ‘em. And when I watched Bambi, I cried. And when my Mema gets mad, I still run and hide. Like David, I wanna be a man after God's own heart. And I'm not there yet, but I'm past the start. And when people talk, I try to listen. A spirit of compassion, that's my vision. Surely I am a manly man. I want to be loved and have love and give love. And not just that romantic kind either. Although I am looking for that beauty. Not helpless, but wants to be rescued. The damsel in distress, man, woman, myth, true. I will fight for her, climb the highest tower for her, love her, share with her, delight in her, be her warrior, her protector. She will be my crown and I will be hers. My masculinity will be passed down and affirmed to my sons. And each of my daughters will know they are lovely, and deserving of authentic romance. Society tells me all day long that I've defined manhood completely wrong. But you ask any honest man, and he will agree. You ask any honest woman, and she too will see, that I am a manly man.

Dick Tracy movie night are you kidding

So I was going to go to my old church last night for a night of worship they where doing. Those things are always awesome, if you can check one out. But after praying if God wants me in fusion or there some stuff came up and I didn’t get to go witch sucked, but worked out because I met a guy there last week that doesn’t know anyone in town. He just moved here so I told him he could sit by me it was cool. I got a text saying Dick Tracy movie night and being the Dick Tracy fan that I am I was like HECK YA. So me and a few others went to Mo’s I call her that when im typing because I don’t know how to spell her name. so we went to her house and watched the movie and ate pizza and Mo gave her sis a hair cut witch looks awesome. You know young adult stuff or teen stuff what eve get off me. So anyways I got to hang out with some people that I care a lot about. For all you The Office fans it was a good day, or night.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

in all you do, do in worship

So i was at cornerstone Illinois this summer on tour for like 2 and a half weeks with a band and i caught part of a band called life in your way. Ok so i know not everyone digs this music but i try to keep myself open to anything with a beat, check out my i-pizal its crazy with genres. So this pic is from one of there songs (salty grave) a great song, it talks about this guy who is lost then finds Christ and says he will sing praises to God till his salty grave. The pic is the part of the song that was a hymn at one point. i have never been apart of something like this. An entire tent of people hardcore dancing then stop what there doing to praise God it was awesome. That same week i was at a David Crowder show and there where guys praising God by hardcore dancing. At first i thought they where joking but then seeing them do what they where doing really just showed me we all love differently and all worship differently, but its all to the same God and He loves it all. So step out of your box listen to a different kind of music this week praise God in a different way talk to that hardcore kid that scares you hes nice im sure. but remember my favorite phrase in all you do, do it in worship.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

i love you katy

Wow so this is how my day went yesterday.

1. I got up at 8:00am and did my morning thing (shower, bible, ext.)
2. my home boy picked me up and we where at the church by 9
3. moved all the tables, chares, couches ext. into the worship room
4. at like 11 got on facebook for like 5 sec.
5. found out my friend is sick and was worried
6. started setting things up for the night and did that till 5pm
7. then started getting the bands ready till 7pm
8. then the night started and ended at 11
9. the workers got out at like 12 and a few of us around 12:30
10. then went to a friends house (Monique)she supper awesome
11. everyone except Monique and I fell asleep
12. so I read my bible and did some hard core journaling
13. chilled there till like 2:30
14. got home and went to bed at like 4:30

that was my day it was awesome
and for you guys that are like he didnt even put wht he ate how do i know that was his day, i ate a cup of apple sauce at like 2 and a peace of pizza at like 7 that was it

the night in visual form enjoy